A day with Dad

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

Dalgina waited patiently as Papa thought. He always knew what to do. He would find a way around the problem of fire being in the way of the fire dust. He spoke about ash, but Dalgina simply cocked her head. Ash didn't sound like it was useful. Especially since it was all wet. Wet ash was no good. Dalgina's tail wagged softly as he announced that he knew how to retrieve what they needed for drawing. Scooping her up Dalgina was gently deposited on the sofa to wait.

Patiently Dalgina waited, the occasional cough or sneeze interrupting her listening to the rummaging happening somewhere with Papa. Eventually he returned, and scraped out the ash into a pan. Hearing that they'd let it cool and then be able to use it Dalgina stood up, paws sinking into the fabric. We have wood! They had lots of wood! Wooden table, wooden chairs, wooden floor. They even had a whole stack of wood they'd just made outside!

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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