End of the Road.[j]

OOC: yey >:] wc:555

Krystalle nodded her head at the woman's comment. Faster than you could imagine. spoke the woman, a soft smile forming upon her maw, though the smile was not full, to avoid having to show her teeth, for she still was apprehensive about showing the fact that she was missing a few teeth because of one, Mars Bartholomew Russo. Or Hurricane, really. When the white woman continued to speak, the children's attention, as well as the attention of the two adults were on her, and like that, without even seeing the King, they were accepted into the pack. It was strange to Mars, for the last time he had been accepted he had spoken straight with Vigilante. Mars looked to the woman's eyes with his icy blue ones. He bowed his head deeply then and then looked to his children, who did the same. Krystalle slightly bowed her head and then took the reigns of her steed. I personally thank you, miss Caspa. spoke Amon, and Paz was not far behind. As do I. Mommy and Daddy weren't sure of where else to go but here... I'm so glad that you have accepted us. spoke the child, to Mars' discontentment. Mars didn't think that Caspa needed to know that much, or the whole story of why they had come here of all places, especially with all the water that encompassed this land.

She speaks the truth. So I thank you as well, Miss Caspa. My family will not let the Court down. he pledged to the woman, nodding his head lightly as he took a seat and wrapped his curly tail around his feet. She spoke then of the places where they would make their home. They needed the room for the livestock, and Mars already planned on going back to Lunenburg, where he had his house that he had fixed up with his father some time ago. Your lands have expanded since the last time I was here, but I'm sure that I'll be able to find everything the same. Mars started to speak to the woman, his eyes looking into her own. Lunenburg is the town I'm more familiar with, so I think we will take my home back up there, where I used to live. I'm sure the building are still there. My father also had a home that was right next door that seemed in good condition as well, so if my old one is taken, then we can settle in my father and brother's old home. spoke Mars and nodded his head again to the woman. I thank you again, Miss Caspa. If I may ask, how long have you been in the court? I did not see your face before when I lived in the Court. asked the male to the woman. Krystalle and the children were silent while the two conversed, but Axel decided that he wanted to be loud and annoying with his constant baaing at nothing.

Mars turned to the beast and gave a sharp bark, which effectively shut the animal up. Can I also ask you for a favor? he asked, turning his head back towards the woman. He needed to speak with the King, and he needed someone to deliver that message to him.

Mars speaks Krystalle speaks Amon speaks Paz speaks


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