Please Stay


Her words were slightly teasing, but he felt a sense of pride in them anyway. She stood, moving toward him swiftly and smoothly until she was close enough to twist around him. She was just as graceful as she had been in optime form. As she suspected, he was indeed curious as to why she was in this form. Vikas didn't assume anything was wrong, he knew that some people preferred lupis form, and some people were prone to shifting a lot. It was true that he preferred optime, and found Fleta more attractive on two legs, but she was hardly ugly in her natural state. It made her beauty appear more wild. In a way, it suited her more. It matched that unpredictable, untamed nature he had seen in her before. He had a tendency of thinking of optimes as somehow above nature, and disconnected from other animals. Her four-legged form was just a reminder that her spirit was hardly prim and proper.

Now that he was closer to her, the most surprising thing about her appearance was not her height, but rather, the blaring bandage on her side. His eyes were glued to it, even as she rose up to greet him with a nuzzle to the arm. He watched her fall back to the ground, giving a pained look momentarily. Vikas was unable to tell what exactly had caused the wince, but it was obvious something was wrong. The grey male smiled slightly, trying to keep the concern from his face.

"Thanks," he replied distractedly, removing his jacket and tossing it on the floor. Vikas backed up a few steps to provide more room for his shift. Their meeting would be much more comfortable if they could look each other in the eyes. The male crouched down, his body morphing slowly into his bulky wolf shape. He marched back to Fleta, giving her a quick nuzzle to the cheek that was more of a short poke from his wet nose than anything. It was obvious his real target was the bandage, which he wasted no time in getting to. He looked at it curiously, knowing better than to touch it. "What's up with that?" His expression was skeptical, almost accusatory. "You didn't think you could get out of this date by going off and getting yourself killed, did ya?" he said with a laugh.

Vikas Limonchenko
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