Please Stay

out of character text

His distracted words made it far too clear that her tactic hadn't worked. He'd be asking questions. Inwardly Terra sighed, thinking about the best way to explain what had happened. The result had been from something so foolish, so stupid, that Terra was embarrassed that she'd been injured at all. If she scarred from it Terra would probably never recover from the blow to her pride. Well, at least for the first while anyhow. Terra rarely stayed in the past, always moving on and living with the moment surrounding her.

Curiously she watched the prized jacket be tossed down. To see someone else change to match her form was very odd. It was usually her shifting to match someone else. Terra didn't mind being in optime form, and had certainly appreciated the attention she'd received in it. Making him, who clearly loved optime form, change into lupine made her feel guilty. As he nuzzled her Terra nipped his ear softly. She smiled softly at the question, not wanting to laugh as it would reveal how badly she truly was injured. Get out of this? I earned this fighting off the hoards that wanted to take my place. Terra tossed her head disdainfully. Have to wonder if it was worth it with this greeting.

Reaching over Terra licked him gently. Green eyes met his brown ones. They were curiously soft for her, trying to ease his worry and concern. I'm fine. Besides, this will allow me to show you something I wouldn't be able to in optime. Hoping that would grab his interest Terra moved around and proceeded to walk out of the room through a clear path, one only visible from the lower vision provided by this form. Glancing over her shoulder Terra grinned at him as she moved further into the castle, ready to show him what was missed by those on two legs.

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