Please Stay


She gave his ear a playful bite, procuring a happy smirk from him, but it was not enough to stop him from investigating her injury. He turned back toward her when she came back at him with her own smart-ass remark. Vikas grinned and laughed loudly, unintentionally creating an echo in the room. "Ah, I shoulda warned ya," he added playfully. The skinny coywolf didn't seem to be terribly irritated at his abrupt "greeting", so he brushed off her teasing complaint. "You deserve the welcome you get when you show up looking like you just came back from a bar fight," he spoke with a chuckle. Actually, Fleta didn't look that bad. Vikas still didn't realize how badly she was hurt. He wanted to ask, and didn't have the tact to approach it gracefully or respect that she obviously didn't want to talk about it. The only thing that stopped him from pestering her into an answer was the distraction she provided.

Her lick and strangely gentle look got him to shut up, if only momentarily. Vikas did not completely understand that she was using her tone and expression to subdue him, but it worked anyway. Unsurprisingly, her offer piqued his interest. His tail lifted slightly, preparing for a wag. "How can you have something up your sleeve again when you aren't even wearing sleeves?" he half asked, half whined. But from Vikas' cheerful and curious demeanor, it was evident he was eager to see what she was talking about. The brown and red female strode off, guiding him through the hidden path to safety outside the room. Vikas was disappointed in himself for not discovering this secret earlier and avoiding the maze altogether. The wolf clomped obediently behind her, careful not to get too close in case she stopped suddenly and his nose mashed into her rear.

Vikas Limonchenko
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