Border Patrol
Adelle bounced off of Isa a bit when she slammed into her but she soon stood back up. The young girl seemed to be fine. Adelle exclaimed happily that she had knocked over Isa. Ismeme chuckled before she spoke. [html]Ja gjorde jeg. Du er sa staerke![/html] Adelle licked Isa's muzzle, full of pride. She smiled at the girl, enjoying her time with the pup. She began to wonder where Adelle's parents or guardians were. Surely they wouldn't leave their pup unattended.

Adelle let out a small whine when she pushed the pup to the ground. She growled playfully at Isa and leapt forward, climbing onto Isa's side again. Isa chuckled and nipped at the pups chest softly before she thought about Isa's question. She asked for a story about war. Isa thought for a moment. She hadn't been in any wars only small fights such as the one with her father and the raiders. She figured she could tell the one about her father. [html]Jeg har ikke vaert i enhver slagsmal endnu, men jeg har en historie, jeg kunne fortaelle dem, hvis du vil.[/html]

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