if the futures been drawn out then nobody’s living
“Something worth keeping locked up, that's what,” he said in jest, but also in near completely seriousness. A pretty little loft way up above a souvenir shop was something that shouldn't have been hidden away from the world! With the tall windows at the front of the building, it was a very lit place and he imagined that one could see out over the suburbs and all of the little cookie-cutter houses from there. With the door lying on the stairs, Laurel simply crawled right over the top of it, ignoring the fact that he slid almost the second he put his foot on it. One hand grabbed a hold of the railing with an iron grip, skipping stairs as he went up (a benefit of having long legs!) and soon the top dusty step was all his. At least until he moved out of the way for his short-statured companion.

There was nothing up there but crates, but not just any kind of crates. “I think this city is made completely out of liquor. Completely. Though from the looks of the tables up here… maybe they were going to do something with all of it. A junk shop with a bar on top?” He'd go for it, really. Given how out of the way those stairs were, maybe they had been by the back door. Maybe there was something more to a Halifax souvenir shop than they realised! One crate had already been gotten into, so that was the crate that Laurel investigated first. He pulled out one of the bottles, finding that there wasn't a label at all to be seen. “You think we oughta try some of this and make sure it ain't poison?”

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