everything looks perfect from far away
WC: 377
[/html]Terra’s reply was quick and clearly annoyed, likely indicating her fickle personality. Claudius realized with a start that her teasing hadn’t been as cruel as he’d intentionally thought; just naive. He always suspected he would have difficulty relating to younger children since he preferred the company of well-spoken and well-thought intellectuals to those of warriors or idiots. He supposed, perhaps, that this girl was in fact quite young and likely more the reason for her ways.

She sounded confused when he explained his name and went as far as to ask why he had two. Claudius found this quite perplexing. Indeed, where he had traveled and lived, two names was the norm. Those who didn’t have two would often pick up a second to indicate an adoptive family. He remembered his mother telling him something about how names were as fluid as water and how she had once adopted her mate’s family’s name to show that she was now family. Claudius wondered if Terra’s single name indicated a lack of a family. That was quite sad.

The next time she spoke, she got his name right. She was rather casual about it all and Claudius wondered just how young she was. He shrugged the thought aside.

“I suppo-ose… I will,” he replied, exasperated. Since her warrior had left, and she was young, he figured it wouldn’t be right to let her go back alone. Hopefully, if there was any trouble, he could just explain himself to Vigilante; he trusted the doggish leader well enough to hope that if he were captured, it wouldn’t be for long. He shivered at the thought of the memory.

He quickly fell into step with Terra and began to make his way into the heart of the pack. He didn’t know the way, so he hoped Terra would be able to guide them. As he walked, he considered her earlier question. Choosing to address it, he spoke: “many wolves ha-a-ave… two-o-o… names… one is… their… per-er-erso-huh-nal… name… like… Cla-diu-u-us… o-or… Terr-a-a-a… but the-e se-e-e-cond… is you-our fa-a-a-amily… My fa-a-aamily… is… the… Aston… and Bélanger… family… so it le-e-ets… people know… a bit… about you… If you-ou… know… some… languages, you can tell… which language the na—a-ame… is… and tra-a-a-ce… their… history…”[html]

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