Bad moon risin’

In another time, he might have laughed at the reasons Gibraltar had apparently given as excuses he should leave, but he supposed it didn't really matter what he thought. If they were reasons good enough for the former leader, then no one else's opinion would ever change it, so what was the point of really approving or disapproving anything? The hybrid caught the bitterness in the much larger male's voice easily enough; after all, hadn't he felt the same way? Sometimes, he still felt as if Ceres had simply been running away, though her end had come much more abruptly and much more violently -- no goodbyes or reasons given there. And of course, her departure was much more final.

I'm still not used to it, he answered blandly. It was almost an understatement, really. He had never really acted the part of the leader as far as he was concerned -- Laruku still had problems with holding his head up higher, with appearing with any sort of authority on the borders, with handling politics and relations with other packs and clans, or hell. He could hardly handle his own goddamn life; of course, he couldn't handle a pack. He shrugged though, But I don't have much else to keep myself busy with, (nevermind your bastard kids on the beach, eh?), So I guess it's more trouble for you. But you seem to be handling yourself better than I am anyway. It wasn't self-pity; it was just truth.

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