Just a little rest

Cercelee hopped along, grateful that Savina didn’t push her too quickly. Savina actually stopped often to move stick or rocks or other debris from the path, which slowed her and they kept a similar pace without too much effort on either wolf’s part. Savina’s words somewhat surprised Cercelee,a s all the Europeans wolves, especially those that had shifted, were much more accustomed to the human ways of life than their American counterparts. Yet, silently Cercelee chided herself for assuming that they would all live that way. Certainly not everyone here lived in the same manner, so why would it be so over there? Cer did have to agree with Savina about the bed, she knew that some of her pack mates slept on beds but before coming here she had never tried it. The first few nights she had been left alone in her allotted room, she had attempted to sleep on the floor as she normally did but Cer quickly found the aching in her leg and neck weren’t quite as bad if she slept on the bed. She didn’t know if she’d go back to sleeping on the ground once she returned home or not.

The continued the trek back, and Savina questions about her pack pleased her, if only that it showed the girl was really interested in Cer’s life pack home and the pack she wasn’t with. "Well, my packlands are mostly made up of two old human towns, so we have a lot of buildings, some big like the manor but the big ones aren’t usually dwellings with so many... many... bedrooms?" Cer couldn’t quite remember the word that was used to describe the rooms with sleeping furniture, but the furniture was called a bed and the room a bedroom. Smiling at herself she continued. "With so many buildings though, everyone could have their own and we’d still have plenty buildings left over... so that’s what a lot of them do. I suppose it’s like having their own den? I haven’t picked one out for myself though, I often sleep outside. If there a really bad storm I will slip inside one of the buildings, but no... the pack isn’t as close to all sleep in one big place together. I like that about Twilight Vale.” Cercelee smiled, finding her explanation longer than she had intended, but as she spoke she came to realize she didn’t quite like how spread out everyone was, but if they weren’t going to claim and use the buildings, what was the use of having so many? "We have other things besides buildings though, vineyards and orchards, and a harbor. And we do have a little bit of forest in our pack, but not much. I’m afraid we don’t have as much nature as I would like." Colibri had picked the lands and now she had left it all to Cercelee, who probably wouldn’t have settled in such a developed area herself. But it was home, and the more she spoke of it the more Cercelee realized she missed it.


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