Taste the sky
<style>@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Rancho);</style>Titania Moonsong

burning the ground, I break from the crowd
I'm on the hunt I'm after you

strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme


Word Count :: 400+

Just as she leaned over the edge to peer at the steep rocky wall below she heard a screech in answer to her howl. An ear pricked and bent toward the sound, and a moment later her gaze followed. She’d only seen a quick splash of cream against the slate rocks before turning her gaze to the avian companion. Seeing Tobias reminded her of exactly who had been with her, and she cracked a smile and looked over the edge again.

“You lag, cousin,” she teased him, but when she noticed the look on his face all playfulness was lost. She gasped and her eyes opened wide, and she was suddenly concerned for him as family, and as alpha.

“Are you stuck? Here…” She pushed herself farther over the ledge, laying down flat now and bending over it at the waist. Arms outstretched, she grabbed Jiva’s arm. For a moment he seemed stiff as if even still he would not move, but then she tugged and whether he liked it or not, she was pulling him up on to the ledge. If he fought, it would be certain death, so he’d have to get over his fear of moving real soon.

Hopefully the ledge felt a little safer than the exposed rocks, because after she hoisted him up she couldn’t help but giggle a little. “Not as kin to your pet as you thought?” She teased as she watched Tobias make another pass. He wasn’t afraid of heights, and he never would be. This was his nature, just as running through the forest was theirs.

Jiva had posed a very reasonable question, and now Titania thought about it. Crawling to the edge of the ledge much as she had before, she popped her head over and looked straight down again. The climb had been steep, and going back down the way they came would be awkward, to say the least. “Looks like there’s two options. We go back that way,” she pointed down, and then sat up away from the edge and her eyes turned upward to the steep rocks above. “Or we keep going that way.”

There was a pause, and then she looked at Jiva, anticipating his thoughts. “Back down gets us closer to the ground faster, but if we go up then we can loop around on a trail I know of and come back down an actual pathway.” She scooted back and leaned up against the jagged rocky wall. It didn’t appear that the Alphess planned to go anywhere for the moment, though.

image from dawnthieves; code template by kitty; table by raze

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