danger to yourself

Word Count :: 215

Luckily she did not pull away, did not even tense; in fact, quite the opposite happened as she slid from the tree to wrap her serpantine like body around his frame. He matched her growl with his own, not even trying to hide the lusty sound hidden therein. There was no doubt that he wanted her, especially after having had her once and being denied. But the time for sexual adventures was later, for now, there was apologies in his future

As the kiss ended, Zana pulled away, poison glittering in her lavendar pools, threatening to drown him. She retrieved a dart and slid it along his neck, against his jugular, and he could feel his knees nearly tremble; not out of fear, but of desire, You are such a flirt. He nearly purred at her, giving her that grin that he was so infamous for. Then, in response to her comment about his value, And to you? What am I to you?

Strong arms held her against him, heart pounding nearly out of his chest and onto her faded dyed fur. He loved her, and he would tell her soon, but first he would let her say what she had to say, for he knew there were choice words for him. He was ready.

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