Help me spice up this chara?
I would say that she already has a lot of aspects that you could work on. It might be best to try focusing on one area you've already outlined and try to expand on it. I think adding any more to what you have already would verge into having too much or making her have too many problems/ skills since she's already got quite a bit. I wouldn't add any more neuroses or psychoses since you're probably fine in that aspect. You balance it with her skills, which are quite numerous. Perhaps you should try reading up on some flaws or weaknesses in TV Tropes to see how to round her out a bit. Another thing I would suggest is putting her into a situation where she'd need to cope -- eg: one where she has to talk or one where she has to use a skill, such as poisons. Alternatively, you could try to find another craftsperson character and have them swap ideas. You might find something else that interests you (and Bambi).

I usually like to keep my characters quite simple and use a driving force to motivate them. For Claudius, his skills are craftsmanship, but his specialty is dyeing and he's working on woodworking. He's always been a worry-wart and he's got a lot of phobias. In some ways, I've had fun pushing him to become more of a phobic and in others, he's grown a lot. But even though he's a relatively straightforward character, it still makes for a lot of fun threads. Smile

I hope that helps!

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