everything looks perfect from far away
Claudius is such a party pooper q_q BOOOOOO
[/html]Terra was quick to mime offense to his little barb. She pulled her brows together and offered him the most pitiful and admonishing expression since his mother was still in the tribe. Terra’s eyes were wide, but her expression was playful. Claudius realized that this was what it was like to have someone run with a joke. He hadn’t joked with someone like this since he was a little puppy, when his sisters had still been around. He realized that it was a very nice thing. He grinned widely, but then frowned a little when she suggested he catch her. Catch her? But she was right there (and injured, too)! She crouched down and then wagged her tail, as if she wanted to play a puppy-ish game of tag. As he opened his mouth to protest, she gave him a friendly nudge with her nose and hopped back.

“Bu-but, you’re hurt!” he exclaimed. Silently, he thought to himself, ‘and we’re not puppies, either!’ “Wuh-what i-huh-if you genet hurt more?” he stammered. He didn’t want to be the cause of more pain since she was already rather banged up. As he was speaking, he took a tentative step closer, trying to convey his compassion. He didn’t pity her or anything silly like that; he just knew how bad some wounds could be and he didn’t want her to go re-injuring herself.[html]

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