Let the Magic Begin

All this noise, all these people, so much going on. This was awful. How did anyone stand this for hours and hours? Gemma shivered miserably as she tried to navigate the tents and the people and the stalls and the livestock. OH GOD! There were horses over there, she so totally wasn't going that way. Turning herself around she nipped quietly in between two back tents and stood still to catch her breath. Around her the chaos raged on creating an never ending ringing in her large coyote ears. How was she supposed to find Teo in this place? She knew he had come here, Light has said as much but she just couldn't seem to find him, it was all so horribly frustrating for her.

She flinched as her paw struck something cold and hard and Gemma leaned down to pick up a shiny coin. Money had no value to her for she had no understanding of it and so she had no idea why she hung onto the bright piece of metal. She tried again to push her way through the crowds, scanning them for Matteo. The sun reflected from the coin she held, creating a sparkling effect that she barely even noticed in her bid to escape the heaving throngs. She thought nothing of the magicians performing close by to her, she jsut wanted to go home.

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