family ties

Word Count → 222

An empty room was what met to her gaze and Jace frowned in momentary confusion before the disappearance of the Ma-Tzu was made clear. She had passed on through into the storage room to gather either foods or treats for the animals in her care. Jace looked about the stable fondly remembering her time as the stand in Ma-Tzu before Sage had joined their ranks. Her eyes snapped to Sage as the woman reappeared holding a large handful of hay within her grasp. Her tail wagged and hit a stable door producing a quiet thump that got the attention of several horses. She looked behind herself and grinned slightly embarrassed, a short laugh leaving her throat,

We haven't managed to catch each other before and for this I am sorry. I came to offer my assistance as well as making an attempt at getting to know you, if you accept that is. She would not force her company upon Sage if she did not want it or if she were suffering hard times and wished to be alone. At this moment their relationship was non existent but it could be a good one if Sage and herself proved compatible. Jace had found during her time in Phoenix Valley and now in Ichika that one could never have an excess of friends.

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