everything looks perfect from far away
Hahaha thanks. I think Terra is going to drive Claudius nuts -- but in a good way! Hahaha
[/html]Claudius could see that Terra wasn’t happy with his response. Even though he would have liked to do something as silly and fun as a game of chase, he wasn’t a puppy anymore and she would get hurt. Being injured was difficult, he knew, but if she wanted to get better, she’d need to exercise some discipline. Claudius also realized that she was younger than he and likely hadn’t dealt with a wound this severe before. He didn’t want to see her get hurt, but he also didn’t want to have to call her babysitter back. He felt that that would just be rude.

Terra sighed and then argued that he could make her wounds better. Perplexed, he tilted his head in an attempt to decipher her words. No one could make a wound just get better; they needed herbs and treatment to encourage the wounds to heal. But he was no healer.

“Well, n-no, Terra, I ca-a-an’t,” he replied. “I-I’m su-u-ure you… know this… but you need to do your be-e-e-est… to… get bett-e-e-r… the-e-ere… ‘s… no-o… easy fix,” he explained. [html]

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