Life Was Beautiful

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Cerberus noted the way in which the fae examined him, and for a moment he almost felt naked, exposed, even vulnerable. Instinctively, his shoulders slumped inward in an attempt to cover himself, but the intrigued glint in the girl’s eye made him puff right up again. And, despite his heavy doubt, her words consoled him to a point that he could function at least somewhat normally again. Though he knew that it probably wasn’t the case, he liked to believe that Blind was just as noble as he, and that she absolutely would have stepped in the way of that bear to protect him. But that wasn’t the case – she had frozen at a time imperative to run, and he hadn’t been able to get to her quickly enough to shove her out of the way of the falling claws and teeth. He couldn’t dare dwell on this thought.

Settling down onto the thawing grass as well, Cerberus released another heavy sigh and offered a curt nod, trying to convince himself that what she said was true. The girl asked who exactly the fallen was, and his tongue curled up to lick his torn snout before he answered, Her name was Blind. That was all he would say, for anything more would send him into a fit of sobs again. So he supposed that in answer to her assumption, no, he didn’t want to talk about it right now, and he continued: Perhaps we can discuss the matter another time. For now, I wish to speak with Zalen or Titania. His brows lifted then, and he leaned forward and absentmindedly flicked his tongue out to brush against the girl’s ear in a casual, yet reassuring way. But of course, you may stay, he added. It would be nice to have some comforting company.

He could feel his old self slowly peeking through the cracks of his pained exterior, as he flashed his large and pleading eyes in her direction and scoot a little closer to the dark-pelted wolfess. This was not to say that he wasn’t still in pain, but he could forget it long enough to act a little garish if it meant avoiding another emotional breakdown. With a huff of his ragged breath, he lowered his body to the ground and lay at Insomnia’s feet, not prepared to move until one of the alphas arrived. Exhaustion was making it harder for him to stay awake.


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