A day with Dad

OOC text here

Word Count :: +260

After he retrieved some firedust from the fireplace, Temo put more wood onto the fire and watched it the flames lick at the new wood like it was tasting it and after finding that it was quite tasty, the flames began to creep onto the wood and started consuming it. The fire began working at replacing the ash that he had removed a few minutes ago.

As Temo stood and looked around, he then glanced over to his daughter as she was stood on the sofa. He could tell by how her eyes were looking at the various wood items that were in the house what was going through her head. I do not think that your mama would be "happy" to come home and find drawings made of fire dust all over the furniture. he said with a chuckle.

His eyes lost focus as he pondered a few moments over the problem at hand. Then, as an idea formed in his head, his eyes returned their focus to the world around him and his gaze lit onto the pup that was eagerly waiting. I have just the wood we can use. I'll go get it. With that statement, he quickly went out the door and was gone only the few minutes it took him to get to the pile and select a number of pieces of siding that was out by the horse building. After arriving back into the house with the load of planks, he laid them down on the floor, These should work, they are nice and flat.

Template by Alex, Image courtesy of drdavis586@flickr

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