A day with Dad

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

Dalgina stared with fascination as the fire reacted to the new wood. It seemed so hesitant, as if it didn't think it would like it, before clambering on and claiming the wood as it's own. Her tail wagged happily as she looked up at Papa, happy to see things with him and do things with him, even if she wasn't feeling well. Her ears drooped as Papa declared that Mahn woulnd't be happy to find everything covered in pretty pictures. She couldn't imagine why not. Dalgina would like living surrounded by that.

Papa seemed to be able to think of everything though, and announced that there was wood they could use. Again he left. This time Dalgina leaped off the couch, tumbling slightly. Closer to the fire she shivered from a slight chill, quickly working to become more comfortable. It had ached to fall, though it normally wouldn't have. Sitting there she watched Papa return with the wood. Barking happily she moved over, looking at the flat wood. Firedust ready?

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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