Oh the places you'll go
She'd had her arms wrapped around her as she'd been enjoying the sun and the quiet lull of the sea. Seemingly one of the few times you'd ever catch the darker Sadira being rather innocent and the whole world was shattered around her with the sound of a voice. Dropping her arms to her side she turned her head and with a slight tilt she smiled slyly and raised a brow. "Of course not, but then again I'm not alone now am I?..." she said softly as she watched the marred up male approaching her. She stood there quietly after the words had fallen from her maw, her emerald eyes hooded as she studied him.

She'd spent too much time gazing into the dark mirror to even care if she herself was in danger. She knew how to take care of herself and yet she put herself in the shadow of danger every moment she spend with Haku. The hybrid that approached her was really no scare to her, her reminded her slightly of a sibling who was off adventuring alone along the sea, yet she knew he wasn't. The dark smile spread on her maw again as she ran her teeth across her lips with a soft hum escaping and being swollowed in the crash of the ocean.

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