Oh the places you'll go
His movements were sluggish as they began again, dragging himself through the sand much like a zombie might look. He regarded her words with a faint flicker of his ears, stopping just near her, long enough to drop to the sand on his knees. "You might be safer alone." His words were consistently spoken in the same flat tone, turning himself slightly away from her to face the waves that crashed up against the shore. It was hard to know what a stranger was capable of and even harder on Conri because now he wasn't even sure about himself.

Leaning over, Conri scooped up a small amount of ocean water and brought it up to his face, spreading over his eyes. The salt burned to the touch but the young man barely noticed, wiping it across before dropping his hand to his leg. "You should go home to the people you love.." While she still had a chance to. While there was still someone for her to go home to, lest she end up like him.

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