home is never the same

Word Count :: 480 OOC :: Sorry bout the wait!

Zalen nearly jumped when Noah shied away from his touch, for a split second believing the once Omega was going to lash out of him. But then the male’s timid voice asked that Zalen not touch him, and the Alpha’s ears laid down pathetically against his dark head. Noah’s words struck him across the heart with a knife, and while Zalen still knew that his decision to punish the male were just and founded, he still could not help but feel a semblance of shame for the mental suffering of his pack-mate.

With a sigh Zalen nodded when Noah stood; the male didn’t seem to want to come along, but Zalen would have him come regardless; there could not be such tension between them, and the Alpha knew the more time they spent together the better the healing process would become. But he knew that it would be some time yet before the gray male trusted him again.

The trek to the borders was done in silence, not so much because of what had been said but because Zalen did not know what else to say. Instead, he trotted next to his companion at a respectful distance and pace; the male’s gait was lopsided due to his missing a leg, and therefore Zalen had to slow down somewhat to accommodate him.

Soon, the figure who had called them arrived in their vision; it was a Luperci female, and a stunning one at that with her golden brown fur. Zalen’s stance changed from a relaxed one to dominance like the flip of a switch; it was only after doing so that he noticed the hitch in Noah’s pace. He glanced over at his pack-mate and saw the look of recognition in his eyes; he then turned to the female; if there was an recognition there, she hid it well.

The female bowed subtly and smiled at Zalen in a way that made his fur stand on end; it was the smile of a vixen, a succubus. Zalen knew that some females were this way, and that perhaps this one was soon to start her cycle, so he thought nothing of it. Besides, he had a beautiful mate waiting for him back at the den, and her beauty was beyond compare.

She introduced herself as Willow, and that she had come to fulfill her curiosity about New Dawn. This was the norm as of late with newcomers at the borders, and she did not smell of any other pack, so Zalen was not bothered by her inquiry, Well met Willow, I am Zalen Damaichu, Alpha of New Dawn upon who’s borders you stand. And this is Noah, my pack-mate. What questions do you seek answer? His exchange in words was polite, for he had yet to learn why exactly it was that this femme was standing at the cusp of his territory.

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