danger to yourself
They were dangerous, like a moth to a flame they were drawn together and she couldn't deny it even if she wanted to. The deeper growl that came from Helotes caused a wicked little smile to appear upon her lips briefly, knowing all to well that her warrior of the clan still craved her. Though at times she would still wonder if it was more lust than love she still would have purred like a cat under his touch because as much as she would like to deny him for the pain and humiliation he had caused her she knew in her heart how she felt. She would suffer the pains of his failures in the past if he could prove to her just how he felt now, if his feelings were true.

Her eyes glittered darkly as she played the sharp tip of the dart along his throat, tracing patterns as he spoke. She knew she had him wrapped around her finger in a way but she wanted more, and here he was giving her all allowances in the span of one question. She raised her gaze to look into those orbs that clearly belonged to the Lykoi family as she spoke softly. "You play a dangerous game you know Helotes.." She let the tip of the dart trace along his lower ear as her eyes cast away from his lovely face. The wounds were healing but the flesh was still tender from the blows he had dealt.

A soft sigh broke from her lips finally as she spoke from her heart. Ezekiel had given her a job to do, but he had also given her time to heal and to think without the distractions of the clan and it's members. She had put that time to good use and now in all honesty she could bury the past with a few choice words, if Helotes made his choice. "You are a friend..and once a lover... What you are to me isn't my choice anymore, it's yours. You've always known what you mean to me.. but I need to know what I honestly am to you." She let the point of the small wooden dart prick his skin just below his ear. The dart had been a fresh one, untainted with the lure of poison, not that he knew that though.

"You could have had any beast in the lands.. but you chose her. Why?" she demanded. She needed to hear it from him, no matter how simple and pathetic the answer was she needed it to come from his lips. She let her ears flick back as she shifted her weight against his form, letting her head fall on his shoulder as she let the weapon she had been taunting him with fall to the ground below. Their relationship had always been a trainwreck between their roles in the clan and the life's they lived.. where it was going now was entirely on his shoulders, for she'd already given herself to the male, in more ways than one.

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