There is just one thing
[html]ilu! and like this thread :3

Blue eyes moved from the Dreaming landscape to the pale female’s face as she replied. The world was changing, and it felt as if the war had been the catalyst. Around them packs grew, as theirs dwindled to the faithful few. Trade between them all blossomed and the Dreamers simply wished to live in peace and allow their families to grow. Yet those things were feeling impossible. He saw the hurt in his mother’s eyes when she spoke of the days when their ranks swelled, when members threw themselves in front of perspective adversaries simply to ensure the health of the pack. He knew she wished for that loyalty once again, and Oak would give it to her.

When she spoke, the change in the direction of her words obvious Oak instantly thought that she spoke of the war. He remembered her fall, and the death of Denali. But he had been young and those tragedies were not a burned in his memory as the conflict with AniWaya was. But he did not allow the conversation to divert towards it, picking up on her lighthearted tone. He did not wish to spoil his time with the female with talk of the past. That’s where I’ll look then. He replied, a smile ending the sentence as he looked at the blue eyed female.

Her question was one he hadn’t expected, his surprise evident on his face. It was not a negative shock, more simply something he had never been asked before. Oak thought her bold and amusing for phrasing it that way. I like to hunt, He stated, his smile returning. and meet members of the other packs. Relationships with them have never been more important. Loners too. He believed that if they were to survive it would be through the relationships that they built with their neighbors. There are many new faces out there, they need to know who we are. Perhaps it would prevent what had happened, if they had only shown their strength outright…


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