Watching the Ships Roll In

Oak was relieved to know that the pack did not have slaves. It was a tragedy that anyone would be held against his or her will, culture or not. She countered with a small bit about her own mother, tone teasing or joking. Oak smiled, he and his brothers would be the only one that knew of his mother’s persistence on the honesty matter and there was nothing that he would lie to her about. Your should break the rules more often, with such a beautiful voice. Oak complimented. They could both be lighthearted, teasing and mischievous.

He paused as she did, looking at the ship as she spoke of the water. He didn’t know, and wondered the very same thing. But there was no time to respond, and had to take a few hurried steps to keep up with her once again.

They reached the vessel and Oak looked up at it in awe. The pack had done a good job in building or restoring the vessel. He could hardly believe it’s size, it was nothing like the small boats that they Dreamer’s had at Rabbit Lake. That could only hold one or two wolves. This… he couldn’t even begin to process how many could ride on it.

Then she fell

Oak moved towards her hurriedly, trying not to laugh out right at her fall. He stepped into the water, giving a paw to help her up slowly and gently. It’s amazing. He assured her, speaking about bother despite her hopes for her fall to be ignored.

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