And every time it rains, are the angels crying?
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It seemed like it was always raining in these lands...but he had never known anything different. Sirius had only been out of the den for two months, and he could already tell that he wasn't going to like this place. He hated getting wet, but no matter what territory he went to, whatever day of the week, he always came back home with his coat drenched, or just barely dry. Maybe it was best to stay inside during this kind of weather...but no, he was bound and determined that it wasn't going to stop him. He was going to go and explore every piece of land so that he could become the best secret agent ever.

Squirk was tagging along behind him, his imaginary friend floating along the ground. Sirius was used to Squirk, now over his initial shock. When he'd first met the squirrel he hadn't known what to do...if he was seeing things, or if Squirk was real. But an older wolf had explained to him that Squirk was imaginary, so he didn't worry about it as much any more.

The small green eyed hybrid yawned as he walked deeper into the cave structure. He had a good sense of direction, and wasn't worried about getting lost.


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