Is this the gold mine, or just the shaft?
<style>@import url(;</style>Titania Moonsong

burning the ground, I break from the crowd
I'm on the hunt I'm after you

strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme


Word Count :: 300+ Set-up post. Feel free to have Shandom go as far with the hunt as you want. If he doesn't discover the cave, then Titania will next post. Wink

Titania didn’t mind that the Gamma at her side did not display too many signs of submission while they traveled. She was, after all, still just a fellow wolf and she was not the type of Alphess to demand a flamboyant show of station at all times. Mostly, she required it in formal moments, or for a few seconds upon the first greeting of the day. Other than that, so long as no obvious challenge was made like eye contact that exceeded the natural bounds of conversation, or a tail curled up for too long, she was fine with her pack acting casually. And so, nothing perturbed her about Shandom now; nor would it have, anyway, for the liked the wolf and she knew there were other reasons for him not to show his submission when outside of New Dawn.

She had been happy that he wanted to accompany her on the trip to Ichika, too. Of a pack mentality, Titania was not privy to traveling anywhere alone, but would if need be. Most of her people who were attending this gala would be traveling at different times for various reasons. At least this way she had some company… and some rather good company indeed.

Her ears perked when he agreed to finding a meal. Had he not agreed it wouldn’t matter, she would still enlist his help in catching some grub, but it brightened her spirits to know that he wanted to, too.

“This place is fertile with small game,” she said, trusting what her nose told her. When New Dawn had first been founded, she was positively ignorant to the strategies of the hunt. Now she was becoming a fine, skilled huntress. She still had a lot of room for growth, but she was coming along quite nicely. Putting her nose to the ground she tested the terrain for scents. At first it was all a mishmash of animal scents, the scent of scat and urine, old and stale and fading with time. But not long after (however, potentially far after Shandom had any idea if he had chosen to search too) her head popped up, and she turned to her Gamma, nose twitching.

“Do you scent that? I think it’s a hare.” Her ears twitched and swiveled, searching for the animal in the foliage. She began stalking towards the creature – or where she thought it was anyway – her instincts kicking in. Occasionally she glanced out of the corner of her eye to see where he was, and if he was looping around. Depending on where the rabbit was would determine who would chase and who would kill.

image from dawnthieves; code template by kitty; table by raze

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