alone this holiday isn't an option

The young Phoenix child hadn't a clue in the world that her brother had been trailing her the whole time, or even that he might have thought that she was running off, so when his voice came she was suddenly caught by surprise. Scooting to the side just a bit, she made sure to get out of her speeding brother's path, inching away just seconds before he nearly knocked into her. Her good natured mood didn't last for long though, as words were directed toward her in an accusing sort of fashion. She frowned then, nose wrinkled and brows furrowed, shaking her head with vigor. "Ah no leafin'!" She practically squealed, almost offended that he would think such a thing. She loved her family with everything that made up her tiny body and there wasn't a chance in hell that she would leave them willingly.

All was suddenly forgotten when Pilot began to speak again, explaining to the few who had gathered why he had called to them in the first place. Somewhat interested, moreso in the fact that the whole thing sounded like it was supposed to be fun, Ember grinned and turned her head from one adult to the next as they spoke back and forth. There would be no music, it seemed, which was slightly disappointing to the onyx girl, but as soon as the prospect of hearing a story came up she was suddenly much more interested. "Say ah s'ory Papa!" She chirped in loudly, quite suddenly, and in a bashful manner she slunk back against her father's legs. His stories were always most interesting.


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