Character Name: Tamhas Blackwood.

Character Birthdate: March 20th, 2010

Gender: Male.

Species: Wolf

Is your character a Luperci?: Yes.

Other 'Souls Characters: Domonick (leaving him alone for the time being, inactive)

Are you joining a pack?: I want to yes, I can't decide between Ichika no Ho-en or Casa di Cavalieri.

If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: Debating between two Packs, but I wanna do it IC.

Character profile or three writing examples:

Appearance: Fur Color: A deep, brown; it's almost to the point of black, but when the light hits the fur, you can see the brown hue. He has a patch of white fur on his right arm that extends from an inch above his wrist to about two inches above his elbow.

Eye Color: Dark blue.

Lupus Form: He has an average build for a wolf in this form. His fur is medium length, not too shaggy. When he walks, he often seems to "strut", it's not something he means to do, it just happens as a form of a habit. When brought to his attention he slacks up slightly, but usually ends up back to the way he was.

Secui Form: Larger form of Lupus.

Optime Form: He spends the majority of his time in this form, feeling it as the most comfortable. He stands at around 6'6. His shoulders and chest are broad. He puts more weight on his feet, keeping his back straight. His mane is short. His tail puffed out, always seeming to sway from side to side. A scar runs dionaglyny across his chest, running from the right to the left. This came about after an accident during his younger years. His ears are always perked up, as if he's always listening. The strut carries over to this form as well and once again, he attempts to stop, but he ends up doing it again. He doesn't wear any human clothing, not that he has anything against it, he just isn't interested.

Biography: Tahmas came from a small pack, that was located around the Georgia shore line. He always played around, playing pranks and being mischevious. Tamhas and several other youngsters of his pack often would sneak their elders weapons and act out fights; one incident led to the scar on his chest, almost costing him his life. After the near death expereince, he slowed down on the jokes, but still retained his "give'em hell attitude."

Because of this, he grew restless of his current lifestyle. The mundane way things ran, no adventure, no thrills; everything just seemed to be one turning of the page after another. With his mind made up, he left off from the back, to set out to explore places he had never gone before. It wasn't something that went over well with his packmates, who were completely devoted to staying within the reaches of the pack land. Yet, this didn't stop Tamhas, he left the pack on bad terms.

After several weeks of traveling around, exploring all the new sights and sounds, he decided to return to his pack; to attempt to work things out and set things right. When he returned home, his pack was gone. The only thing that he could find were the battle worn remnants of his past. He mourned for several days, trying to cope with his losses. After finally coming to the realization that they were gone, he set off again, turning his back on his home for the last time.

Personality: Tamhas is ridden with guilt of not being able to protect his past packmates, but he keeps the feelings pushed down, reminding himself that he didn't know what could have happened when he left. The guilt aside, he is friendly once he gets to know someone. He enjoys making new friends. Once he gets to know somebody, he is usally quit protective of them, seeing it as his job.

Occassionaly his younger self surfaces, acting like a pup and playing a prank or two, all in good fun. He prefers words over violence, but he doesn't stand down from a fight, something that may result in a bad situation in the future. It doesn't take a whole lot to get him riled up, but often than not, it's just words that come about when he's angry, but it doesn't mean that he won't throw a punch or two if it becomes necessary.

He wants to do the best he can, to not let anyone down. If something needs to be done, he would usually be the one to step up to do it. If a favor was needed, he is the one to step up and offer his help.

Overall his attitude in general is a shoot to thrill, yet calm and collected sometimes. He dislikes seeing friends and loved ones getting hurt, but he doesn't mind causing hell for ones that are a danger to those that threaten them.

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