You granted me what I wanted
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Slight PP of her spotting the pup. If that's not OK, I can change it :]

She had been reminiscing today about the old days. Once upon a time she'd thought that she had all that life had to offer. She'd had a mate and a litter of pups...a happy pack that was flourishing and growing with each passing day. That had been all that she had needed back then. Her happiness had been torn in two by the crimes that her mate had committed; his rape and then the rumors of his murderous ways had greatly disturbed her, then. She'd reformed the pack that the two of them had founded together and had renamed it to better suit the canines that lived there and to symbolize the terrible afternoon that she'd been awoken from her pleasant dreams to face his abuse. Crimson Dreams.

Things was so very different, now. It was better, even though she didn't have the same kind of life that she had always thought she'd have. Naniko was content in Anathema, to live in a place where she made her own rules and did not have to worry about much disrupting that. She liked to think that she had a fairly good handle on the canines that resided within the territory...that they knew the laws and that there would be punishments to be had if they broke their promise to be good and true to their "family" in Anathema.

A rustling in the brush nearby caught her attention as she walked. The shifted Angela looked about, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from, and caught sight of a small copper body before it disappeared from view once more. She hadn't seen Panda's pups many times but the smell brought a name to mind. "Lillith?" She called, frowning. Where was the whelp going in such a hurry, anyway? She took a few steps toward the area she had last seen the copper blur, pushing brush out of her way. "You out here, child?"

Table by Jenny!

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