Leap Frog, Leap
Maybe they could accidentally squish it and be all emo and stuff? XD

If play was to be had then Kansas was always the one to find for it, at least that was what she thought. Firefly was the one to cuddle up and talk with, share things with, and Icarus with his brilliant ideas were always the best to plan things. She didn't quite understand how different they all really were and yet they all managed to be close, a happy little family, really. Giggling just a bit as Kansas took hold of her ear, she gave a playful nudge and then turned her head back toward the direction where their friend had hidden himself. She hadn't seen it move since then, which meant it had to be there still, so she wasn't at all worried that they'd lost him for good. Besides, why would he want to leave the ones that were playing with him?

"'course we won' hurt 'im." She said with a nod, confident in that fact. It wasn't ever her intention to hurt anyone or anything which, unfortunately for her, immediately made her think that nothing would get hurt just by thinking that. Without another thought she released all the pent up excitement, making a sudden, though short, leap toward the small mound of grass where the frog was hiding, giggling all the while. When her paws touched down the frog shot out in a flash, hopping back toward her brother. "'ere he comes!" She yelled out, turning not-so-nimbly to head in the same direction as the frog.


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