Because days come and go

Word Count → 463 :: He's got one of those happy grins on his face which make people wanna hit him :')

Bleary-eyed he went about the task of brushing the black mess that was his hair in a slow, lazy manner; even if he didn't get all the knots out, he simply had to get the majority of them out, that way he could shove it back up into a ponytail and no one would know the better. Repeatedly he ran the wooden comb through his hair, starting at the bottom and working his way up, the only sound within the monster of a cave he claimed was Alex's snoring. Sitting there he stared at the girl's room and wondered if they were still asleep at this hour of the day or if they'd gotten up and gone off to do something. Brush in hand he hopped of the desk and covered the short distance between himself and the children's bedroom door, stopping outside his listened for a moment before pushing the door open a fraction and dipping his head inside to see Miwa sprawled across the girl's shared bed, Aoi apparently having gone somewhere or Miwa was lying on top of her sister. Muffling a laugh he stepped back and closed the door with care.

Just as he was about to set himself back on the desk, a familiar voice called out into his chambers, frustration apparent in her words. Grinning like a fool he threw the brush across the room and untied the leather strip from his wrist where he'd tied it earlier and began gathering his hair up, tying it roughly with the strap before making his way into the guest area and opening the door to see the darker woman. “Well if it isn't Caprica. Whatever could I do to help you?” he asked, his voice and expression full of glee and expectation, his dark tail swayed steadily behind him in anticipation, having predicated that eventually the newly ranked Botis would have to seek him out if she truly desired a sword. Stepping back he waved a hand for her to come in and turned, walking back into his chambers, through the guest area and into the workshop. “If you are coming in, close the door behind you and keep it down. Alex and the kids are still asleep” he called back, speaking loud enough so that he would be heard but not so that it would wake the others.

Upon reaching the workshop he picked up a log from the stack and threw it onto the fire, not that the extra warmth was needed but it would have bugged him if he had left it. Turning from the fire he placed his hands behind himself and leant against the chunky, wooden work desk, blue eyes cast down at the fire, watching the flames begin to consume their new fuel.

table by raze; image from wikipedia commons; template from the mentors

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