Before the Work is Done
sorry for the lateness...And failure <.< / +yo numbah!

There was much to still be contemplated with this meeting, the charcoal female reminded the slave much of a poisonous snake, as if ready to spring upon his body. Soon, he would have to make his way back to the Auxiliary, finish off the task set aside for the Slave of the Salt, Eris had told him of his loyalty and way of getting to her early, being late would surely change the sable-woman's mind. Shamrock orbs instinctually couldn't bring themselves to the lunar eyes of the other slave, on what base they were supposed to be equals, instead Khirot remained much lower on the scale than the other canine. She questioned about his master, a relatively easy inquiry, yet even then the jackalwolf found himself stumbling for words. "Many masters...E-Eris....Ita-chi...Anyone who command me." He replied simply, the business of personal slaves had not been much of a difference from his own position, only a few extra masters and mistresses, a life of no attachment yet simple bearings and easygoing work.

His eyes grew wide with surprise and fear as deadly jaws were snapped inches from his face, the question about the other's interest to the tawny jackal. Boring? Not at all. Khi couldn't say he was bored with the sable wolf, there was much too much happening going on to be bored. Maybe a little fear, but definitely never boredom. In response, the male shook his head wildly, "Not boring. Never boring." Instinctually, Khi lowered himself to the soft soil beneath their feet, almost underfoot of the dark slave. The fear she inflicted upon him though had him edging back towards the direction of the sea, maybe a couple of inches at once slowly. An escape, he needed some way of getting out of the way. Again, instincts revealed running would simply be stupid. Maybe changing the direction the fear was going. Sitting up, eyes to the forest floor, Khirot inquired quietly "Fish. With me? Not--Far." She had to hunt, and finding something slippery and all-together nourishing such as a fish would be one of the best choices, suiting almost. Being of the sea, Khi in his broken mind was simply at ease with the choice. 

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