stars in your eyes
Firefly hadn't really been paying much attention to the world around her as she was dreaming of the unknown. The sound of the male moving through the lands she caught as her ears twitched slightly but she'd just figured that the other soul would pass on through or call out a greeting. To believe that another was so caught up in their own little world at the same time she was trying to relax herway into preparation for what was to come. The sudden crash into her senses caused her to snarl as she was thrown off balance. Catching herself before she fell she whirled around and tried to catch sight of what in the world had slammed into her.

A slight light of surprise glittered in her eyes as she caught sight of the younger male. She stood there watching him sprawled out upon the ground as she stood over him, whole and complete while he looked like he'd been through some sort of tragity. Her fangs were bared slightly as she moved to where she had him strattled between her legs as she kneeled down and gave the male a wicked smile as her knee pressed against his chest. Her breath hissed out as she asked. "Watch what you're doing boy, it's not wise to rush into this world with your eyes wideshut." She knew he wouldn't understand the words she spoke, but if she had to she'd make him in the end. He was luck she wasn't any of the others. True enough there were enough happy peaceful souls out there but there were enough that gazed into the dark mirror to make the hair raise on the back of any sane fellow's neck.

Narrowing her eyes she lifted her knee from his chest and sat there straddling him a moment while she studied the male. She'd never seen him before but she knew the scent well enough. He was from the same pack that Kansas had settled in. She wasn't sure what to think of the pack, but maybe this fellow would give her a better understand of how things worked in the pack, if she could work him correctly.

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