i'm under and over it all. [ aw. ]

The day was beautiful, and it was becoming a staple in the weather. Not that she minded of course, Emmanuelle much preferred sun and warmth over the cold and darkness of winter. The female rested her elbows against the window sill and set her chin down on her supported hands, looking out the window with a bored expression on her face. Idly she blew a strand of hair out of her face while she began picking at the sill, peeling what little paint there was off and flicking it out the window. Movement down below her window caught her attention and she curiously watched as a young male, close to her in age walked towards the mansion with a stack of books and papers. Her russet-hued ears perked as he seemingly noticed her too, and offered a greeting and a friendly wave.

A smile broke across her face as she stood up quickly and waved back, motioning with her head that she would come down too meet him. Not that he wanted that, but she felt like meeting someone new. Turning her back to the window, the younger woman crossed the threshold of her room quickly, stopping only to close the door before she continued down the hall and skipped down the stairs. Her tail was swaying back and forth as she opened the doors to the outside of the mansion and she walked toward the male. Stopping before him, she smiled again. " Hello there! I am Emmanuelle Brenna, did you need any help with those? " The silver-streaked girl offered kindly, gesturing to the books and whatnot he held in his arms.

Waiting a few moments for an answer, she continued. " What is your name, if I might ask? "


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