Oh the places you'll go
Her voice almost purred as she replied, "Love, everything comes back to haunt us in the end..." The dark bit of amusement may have been lost on the male but it wasn't on herself. She knew the truth of the matter. In the end they were all judged, either by themselves or the rest of the world and the good and the bad resulted in nothing but a few short words and a splash of tears. She'd watched ones that the clan cherished turn into a memory and had wondered just what the soul of the long gone had thought of that. Sad and sick but she knew othat overtime no matter what she did good or bad, innocent or devilish it would haunt her somehow. She'd just deal with that later, here and now she regretted nothing she did.

The words he had murmured were almost lost on the lady as she gazed off into the ocean and ran her fingers through the damn curls of the complete stranger. Her emerald eyes turned to gaze down at the male as she felt the shift of pressure and how he suddenly was leaning into her touch. Watching him a moment with narrowed calculating eyes her nails slid through his hair once more, tugging back his head to reveal the closed eyes and bared throat as she whispered. "How special are you boy?" Her dark words were almost laughable when once could see she was obviously the younger of the two figures and yet in her eyes they were all boys.

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