you thought you knew me
Iskata leaned back and rested in the grass while she watched Adelaida, knowing that the lady still wasn't sure of the things that the silver and gold lady said. She shook her head and smiled as she thought about all the strange things she'd seen in time, now understanding what it was that the masked wolf had been so upset about. She could remember when she'd first discovered that she could shift. She'd seen others do it and over time she'd learned with the help of friends and family. For the longest time she didn't even like shifting but as the moons went by she'd discovered all sorts of things and ways that the form she could take on would and could help her. She turned her eyes back to Adelaida and answered her honestly. "No, it's actually a lot like the silly stories the humans once wrote about, the things we become.. I use to be more wolf than anything else.. but over time things changed.. maybe I just changed." She knew she'd changed, but the more she thought about it the more she realized it had been her friendships and the things that Faolin, Phasma and her had all discovered and learned together about their alternative forms.

She plucked a piece of grass with her fingers as she rolled it between the thumb and index finger as she shrugged and continued. "Over time you just begin to realize that there's so many things you can do when you're in one form.. than the other. They all have their ups and downs. I can't pick things up with my paws, and let me tell you, there's some things I wouldn't want to hold onto between my teeth either." She flashed the lady a grin of amusement as she wiggled her toes, staring at them, so different and yet so alike from her other forms. Her sun shot sky eyes turned to Adelaida's as she sighed. "I've spent lazy seasons reading those books the humans wrote.. they were actually a lot like us. Some were good, some were bad.. We're all the same really, they just thought they were better than the rest." She let go of the grass stem and flicked her eyes back across the field as she amswered simply. "I know I'm no better than the next.. but I'll use what advantages are given to me to make my world better." She really didn't know what to say so instead she turned back to Adelaida and asked. "What do you want to know..." Her face was honest as she waited. She'd had questions before and she knew in turn she'd have more. When there was someone to answer them it was always easier.. in some way or another.

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