OOC: Over soon, he can jerk away or something or get kicked again.. whatever you want to do so she can escape alive.. this time. XD

The blood that welled in her maw was almost satisfaction but it disappeared too quickly as the male pulled away and her teeth snapped together shut for an instant. She snared again fiercely as his fangs dug into her arm that she'd stretched out to grab at his throat, she'd missed his throat but her hand still wrapped around the muscles of his shoulder. The pain was like fire but she knew she could still use the limb, she'd been lucky, she knew that, but she was also smart, she knew her luck couldn't last too much longer.

The sudden drop of his fangs as they dove towards her exposed belly made her gather her legs closer to the soft flesh of her abdomen as she strained to keep the monster at bay as she lashed out with her free arm, trying to gain some hold in his flesh along his ribcage as she felt his teeth score across her upperchest. She roared with fury as she drove her head down, towards the maw that had attempted to ravage her, attempted to end her life. Her fangs were bared as his blood glittered on them as her fury drove her on.

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