Stranger days
Iskata's head turned as she heard the voice, a sudden smile lit upon her lips as she caught sight of Asmodai, though the form he was in wasn't one she'd seen him use before but she wasn't stupid, she knew she'd have seen it at one point or another. It was obvious that the male seemed to perfer his shifted form though. At the words he asked she laughed softly and turned back to watching the creatures. "They're not pets.. More like dinner..." She really didn't know how to explain all her strange and odd ideas but she figured she should atleast try. "When the winter sets in here it can be hard to feed a pack, muchless oneself.. and dangerous. It's how my mother died." Her words ended softly as she was reminded of the words she'd been told by Laruku. Shaking her head to rid the thoughts from her mind she continued. "Keeping them here makes life a little simpler for us all.."

She turned her gaze back to Asmodai as she patted her injured foreleg against the wood of the fencerail as she tilted her head to the side at the mention of the dangers she'd put herself into. "They're not really that dangerous.. once you've got them in the pen.. The leader seems to be only interested in one thing.. if you catch my drift." She wrinkled her nose as she watched the bull go back to sorting out his females for a moment before her eyes flitted over to two of the young calves that were born shortly after the cattle had been corraled. "As long as I watch him I really don't have to worry about much. The others don't seem to care unless they'd got young. I can walk among them.. they don't like it but they just tend to watch me or shamble away to a new patch of grass.." She was rambling and she knew it, but the time she'd spent in the field watching these creatures who would oneday become their dinner the easier it grew to learn about them.

She knew so much more now and it would be much easier to improve their stock. The ideas were boiling in the pack of her mind as she turned back to Asmodai and asked. "What's the worry? Afraid you'll have to save me again?" she teased the male as she grinned.

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