Oh the places you'll go
While she may not have know it, her words hit him hard. She was right though. Conri knew she was right. This, all of this that was going on in his life, was most certainly his punishment for killing his father so long ago. The voice cackled in his head at that moment and Conri shut his eyes tighter, willing away the sound that was so familiar yet so strange. Perhaps he was meant to die back then, when his brother had him, and this was his punishment. If that were the case, wouldn't it be easier on everyone if he were just to accept it?

His head came back easily with the tug, eyes still closed, and he listened to the words she whispered, staying silent a moment. "I'm not.." He answered simply, finally opening his eyes to peer up at her. Maybe she would kill him and they could be done with it. Conri almost wished she would. "I've destroyed everything special I had.." And the only thing that was special about him had been Naniko. He didn't even have that anymore.


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