sovereign state


Word Count → 000

He was larger, and therefore at a disadvantage when it came to stealth. But his size gave him the ability to use his mass against Vesper, all he needed to do was utilise what he could. While his partial wolf and dog blood gave him a mass unlike that of a coyote's, with a thin, sharp face and well muscled, thin legs, he was easily still a coyote, hybrid or not. Although he played it out like a real battle, he was well aware that it would not matter who won. Both seemed of equal ability in their own ways and both would serve Inferni with their own skills. Spars like this were important to keep the troops on their toes as an attack on the coyote lands could occur at any moment.

He could see Vesper holding back her opinions and he did the same. Both Infernians thought differently, but both respected each other enough and wanted to keep peace enough to stay silent. As he rushed forward he could see the pending attack to his shoulder. Angel weighed up lifting his shoulder and using it as a pseudo weapon against dropping it. He chose the latter, lowering his shoulder out of harms way before turning at her side and using his height to attempt to grip onto her scruff. While he set it in his mind to not rough up his clan mate too much, he was not going to make this spar easy. After all both were warriors, both wanted to fight. Angel was impressed so far with Vesper's ability, proud that he shared a clan with her.

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