still the world around me sleeps.

Hoofsteps sounded against the soft earth. A donkey emerged from view, led by its owner: a 6'2 wolfdog with black fur on his face, and white with black spots almost everywhere else; though it was difficult to see beneath the clothes he wore. The donkey had sensed others long before its master did. It stopped, head rising upwards and ears standing upright. A loud bray sounded out, as if it intended to announce its findings.

"What is now, Cinnamon?" The dog said with an exasperated sigh; such was not unusual for their travel. It was a wonder they hadn't been found yet. Doc had left the last pack he'd joined not long ago. Paranoia meant he could not stay in one place, afraid that the crime he had committed in his hometown so long ago would catch up with him.

The donkey trotted forward, catching the scent of a horse on the wind. Perhaps the equine made it feel more comfortable; a luperci that kept a horse surely wouldn't want to eat him. Doc smelled it, too, along with a two others; a coyote and a wolf.

When the three came into view - the two luperci, and the horse - it was Doc who hesitated then. The tall male was quite intimidating, especially for someone who had issues with his own gender. Although he'd grown since he was a puppy, he still felt like a tiny little runt. He had nothing with which to defend himself, and so had to rely on the kindness of others and his own diplomatic abilities. The skull each of them wore didn't help the matter, though it was the tall one that intimated him most.

With some amusement, he noted that the horse also wore a skull. That made him raise an eyebrow, though it disappeared as soon as it came - he did not want to offend the strange folk he'd just stumbled upon. "Heyo," the wolfdog called. They had probably noticed his presence already, with Cinnamon's loud braying. He figured it was best to establish friendly contact, as loathe as he was to greet these strange luperci. "Friend or foe?"[/html]

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