Because days come and go
When Alaki's face appeared, and her heart began to hammer once more, Caprica suddenly realised why. Her pulse went crazy every time she thought about the leader because… because she detested him. That must be it. He was insufferable; the way he'd proven her wrong without having to lift a finger. She squashed the niggling thought that actually, she'd given up: given up even trying to fix the sword, without giving herself even nearly enough time to find a solution. She'd done this because… well, because she wanted a better sword, right? Not because she wanted to come here and listen to him smirk. Not at all: why would she?

With a pout and eyes like green thunder, Caprica tossed her hair and strode inside, attempting to walk with a stride that said 'business. Nothing but business'. She shut the door as per instructions, letting the catch slide silently and gradually. Then she turned to follow him to the workshop, unable to walk with her usual commanding stride because of keeping her footsteps as quiet as possible. The tiptoeing caught her off balance and she staggered as she came into the workshop, then attempted to turn the stumble into a motion to lean against the wall in a sulky manner, one arm bent to steady herself and the fingers entangling themselves casually in her sleek hair. By the firelight, she could see his eyes glinting: blue with a chance of amber sparks. "So," she murmured after a moment, unwilling to break the peace, but feeling rather stupid just standing in his room without explaining why she'd come. "I guess I have a favour to ask. Maybe you better start by telling me more about those conditions of yours." She couldn't quite bring herself to detail her failure, just yet. But she hoped he'd figure out what he meant: her use of the same word as from the day they'd encountered the bogus traders should have been a clue that not all was well in the world of Caprica's sword repair project.

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