[J] Two Minutes to Midnight
(OOC: Just now getting around to posting, it's 5 in the morning where I am; so I'm sorry if nothing in this makes sense xD)

Tamhas shuffled his feet, he felt weird letting all of this out, especially to someone that he just met. He didn't want to come across as someone who just let words fly to complete strangers. He sighed, I shouldn't let so much stuff out at once. he smirked at his thoughts. He may felt weird, but he didn't care too much. It's not like he let out anything too personal.

He scratched at his scar, he was telling the truth about everything he said though. He couldn't even remember exactly what he was looking for. It felt strange, not knowing what he was looking for. Maybe that was for the better. Not having anything set on his mind anymore, just travelling. Although, he knew for a fact there was one thing that he had wanted. As he said, a new beginning. a chance for him to be able to start over, a chance for him to be able to regain some sort of his past life.

A slight knot formed in his stomach. The thoughts of his past filled his head. The thoughts of not being able to protect his pack makes. He pushed these thoughts aside, not wanting to deal with them right now. He knew that he couldn't start anything new, when the past kept coming back to bite your ass.

Tamhas smiled as he heard Wayne speak, "I'll take that as a compliment." When he heard what Wayne said next, he tried not to show just how much of a shock he felt. Is this finally it? he thought to himself. He cleared his throat and looked directly at Wayne,

"A pack, huh? I dunno, I'm used to being alone so much." he cleared his throat again, and let a smile cross his face, But, I guess one wouldn't hurt too much."

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