Is this the gold mine, or just the shaft?

So sorry for the delay! I always think I reply to things.... and then don't. #fail This is going to be short so he can find the mine shaft D:

The wolf's sensitive nares were already twitching when Titania mentioned the fertility of their environment. From the moment she'd suggested a hunt the white predator had switched into a much more deadly mind frame: Every muscle was quivering with anticipation, and ears flicked forward with eagerness. He nodded his head imperceptibly so his lovely young Alphess knew he was on the same page as her, and he set off at a rather brisk trot. Shandom's pawsteps were quiet from years of experience, and his well trained nose skimmed through the mismatching assortment of scents that were scattered across the rich, dark earth.

It was moments like these that made Shandom feel truly alive. The quiet anticipation of the hunt, the energy that thrummed through his body with every shift of nature: this all gave him a raison d'etre. A Gamma of New Dawn, living in a pack where he could be himself and live rather unencumbered from the mistakes of his past: it was all still so surreal to him. He was entirely focused on the hunt, but he allowd his mind to wander for a brief moment to the day when he met Titania in the mountains. She had seemed too young for the responsibility of the Alphess, but her wisdom and ethereal nature was the perfect balance to Zalen's slightly more abrasive style of rule. Shandom was grateful to be with them, and brimmed with respect for what they were able to do. When he was a leader, he had been harsh and on the border of cruel - it was not something he was proud of.

Titania spoke, interrupting his deep concentration, but it was in relation to the hunt so he did not feel the telltale anger that marked his darkest demeanor well to the surface. Instead, the alabaster creature began to circle towards the prey, luring it towards Titania - the small creature sensed his danger, and followed his path accordingly. But his dark eyes were distracted for a moment when he passed a deep, cavernous opening that reeked of danger and excitement: Shandom could not help but be distracted and shift his focus to the strange apparition. Alphess! he murmured, voice soft yet carrying. Alphess, come see - there's a cave here, and it smells like.... Like fun. He could not find a better word for it, but his lips twisted into a smile. If she had not caught the rabbit - which was, of course, a possibility as the male had stopped his pursuit of the creature and it may have wandered off her path - the cave probably held something delicious, and significantly more exotic than hare.

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