Coming Back to Haunt Me
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Big GrinBig Grin

She didn't expect anything out of Alduin or require it of him unless he chose to share or do so - he had told her that he would replace the meat she'd given him twofold, but she didn't expect him to do it. She only hoped that he would. Some canines in Anathema were ones full of empty promises...they were the ones who would remain at the rank of Zepar for most of their stay and who didn't benefit the pack much from their time in it. So she did not outright expect much from him other than the typical duties that every Zepar was to perform. Naniko had been proud to see that he'd stuck around and was getting busy helping the pack out and had ordered his promotion to the rank tier of his choice. One would get rewarded for hard work that they put in while staying in Anathema.

Ever since she had begun to visit her friend Shandom more often the female had chosen to stick to her more natural form, a form that was more acceptable in his pack. She couldn't understand it herself, as she usually stuck to her optime...but if it helped, then she would do it for him. She could see no use in staying in a less useful form. She could do most anything she needed to in her optime form, including hunting. She would simply use the bow that she got from Frodo or the slingshot that she had used since she was young. Each pack was different, though.

Naniko was surprised to hear a voice besides the leaders' on the wind that night. The tone was different from Alaki's and the meaning behind the call seemed blurred to her. She knew only that it was to alert fellow members to something in the area...perhaps the canine had found something that they needed a leader's help with. She turned around, beginning to pad toward the ocean at a quick, brisk trot. She caught sight of the other canine silhouetted against a gray oceanic backdrop. The Angela barked as if to alert him of her presence as she began to climb down the cliffside, being mindful of the edges of the path. "Hey, Alduin!" She was surprised that the male had called - he didn't seem to be in any trouble. At least, not that she could see. "I was in the area. What are you up to today?" Naniko asked as she approached. Her tail wagged behind her, a clear sign of her pleasant mood.

Table by Jenny!

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