[M] [AW] I never thought I'd be in bloom...

OOC Why thank you, xD I enjoy these threads very much myself WC: 686

It was bittersweet, this confession. He knew he was not worthy of her. She did not know what she was getting herself into. Yet she was so sure, so solid in her belief of him. It was heartwarming, but wrong. He knew it then, knew that one day the both of them would regret this, but he was terribly selfish. He had to have her, no matter the cost. That she was so sure of him, so convinced that he was worthy of her almost made him believe in it himself…almost. He was a grim figure, scarred and colored by a past that still haunted them, even though the major shapers of it were thousands of miles away. They were opposites, truly. Her golden fur and his black and white pelt were striking in contrast, and the scars from the cougar would fully heal he was sure. He was not so fortunate. He looked over her scars out of the corner of his eye. His handiwork as much as the cougar’s. He should have tried harder to get the cats attention. The guilt felt bitter in his mouth and he shook his head to rid him of it’s taste.

This time they had together, these moments should have been joyous for him, a celebration. But even now they were soured by his grief and his guilt. He raised his eyes to the moon again in silent prayer that she would heed his final warning. But it was not so. The bridge was burning and they were plummeting into the abyss below them, head first. There was, indeed, no turning back. His eyes found themselves drawn back to hers, pulled there by an unseen force and he was lost in their depth, his breath at a sudden standstill. It took him until her last words for him to regain himself and then he sighed, Ciara… And suddenly it was him nestling his muzzle into her fur.

He was lost and she with him, but he would not caution her further. It was done. The unexpected happened and drew him from his thoughts swiftly. Her sudden pounce caught him off balance and he was falling to the earth. His eyes closed and his breath huffed out of him. He opened his eyes after the impact, gazing blankly for a moment before giving his head a solid shake. Her tongue was at him and he deflected as best he could, pushing at her with paw and nosing the advances away with his muzzle. It was of little use and as she continued the assault he completely lost what it was he’d been thinking about. The thoughts were fading into the night like shadows, elusive and forgotten. It was neither growl nor laugh that escaped him then, but a melding of both, a silly grumbling sound like a rockslide. His lips were not so grimly set anymore and the ends began to twitch until finally stretching into a reserved grin, then fully transforming, miraculously so, into one of his first truly genuine smiles.

He reached his forepaws out, attempting to pull her downwards upon him and lunged the upper portion of his body to snap his jaws playfully at her ears. His black dusted tail thudded against the ground, and finally his stoic façade seemed to crumble. He was enjoying himself for the first time in a very long time, but he was also losing control. His body seemed to work against him as having her this close brought attention back to the call of her heat-scent. Things were stirring inside him, feelings long dormant. His eyes widened in alarm. No, he could not…But her heat called to him, and he was ensnared in a feeling of deep-seated instinctual lust. He was pushing her away then. Her words drew him away from the thought altogether. Yes, there was something more important that they should be doing, but he wanted her, now, more than ever. It had to be done now. Otherwise he would surely give in. He nodded shortly and tried to regain his feet. Call them. He said, breathless.

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