limping back
He felt relief as the capitana came to him. Her questions were to be expected, his ears drooping in unconscious submission to the leader. He drew in a ragged pained breath and spoke. "I went to Halifax, hoping to find Sky and bring her home. Instead of her, I met with Liam. He had murdered another wolf. He attacked me. He could have killed me but he didn't and I was afraid he would come here with me unable to fight back. I..." He had to stop, to let a fresh wave of pain pass before finishing his speech. "As for help, it's a lot of cuts, a sore throat, and some broken ribs. I'm not coughing up blood, so nothing punctured my lungs. I think I'll be okay once I'm healed."

Myrddin had also heard his father's call, and had slipped free of Auntie Rosie's vigilant watch to find out where the call had come from. On seeing his father hurt, he raced forward and nuzzled into is dad. Tal dropped his head to nuzzle the brown tipped boy, glad he was okay. Then his gaze lifted back to the Capitana. "He hasn't been here, has he? Everyone is okay? I'm not sure how long I was out...."

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