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Tharin moved, careful to keep his scent downwind from the selected target. Carefully he worked on moving so he was between the ram and the rest of the herd. His presence was scent by the goats, several startling and working their way off, the kid that had been a distance off running to it's mother. The old one couldn't move fast enough though, and found it's way blocked by a very hungry, very determined wolf. Fangs bared he growled low at it, pacing forwards. The ram backed up, head swinging as it looked for another way to escape.

Without pausing Tharin crouched down. Springing he twisted his body, dodging the large horns that tried to gouge him. His teeth set into it's nose, blocking off the airway. The ram shook it's head violently, working to knock the wolf off. Growling he kept his grip in, waiting for Kiara to join in, helping him take it down. He might be a good hunter, but taking down large prey on his own was a challenge, and not one that he could do without getting injured. With no pack to back him up it was far too dangerous to let happen.

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